Antonio Gramsci is one of the most beloved Communist intellectuals of the 20th century. His views on hegemony, organic intellectuals, and his concern for the unity of theory and practice are considered some of his greatest contributions to the world socialist / communist movement.
The selections here that constitute The Modern Prince & Other Writings are a must read for Marxists hoping to understand the Italian philosopher and revolutionary. Originally published in 1957 by Dr. Louis Marks, The Modern Prince was the first volume to publish a selection of Gramsci’s notebooks in English.
This new edition of The Modern Prince includes a Foreword by E. San Juan, Jr., Director of the Philippines Cultural Center in Storrs, Connecticut. He is the author of more than sixty books, including Hegemony and Strategies of Transgression: Essays in Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature; From Exile to Diaspora: Versions of the Filipino Experience in the United States; and In the Wake of Terror: Class, Race, Nation, Ethnicity in the Postmodern World.
As Prof. E. San Juan notes, what distinguishes this anthology are three selections: “The Southern Question” drafted in 1926; the section on intellectuals and culture; and the “Modern Prince.” All are linked together as a mosaic of leitmotifs affirming the “popular creative spirit” in a “contestatory, polemical, worldly” style. Culture, born from this creative spirit, performs a vital function in material production and social reproduction. All these arguments make up the inventory of a project that is Gramsci’s singular contribution to the Marxist archive: the theorizing of a revolutionary agency involving intellectuals in the struggle for socialism.
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