Forbidden Freedom: The Story of the Suppression of the People’s Constitutional Government of British Guiana


Dr. Jagan’s formidable indictment of conditions in British Guiana throws considerable light upon the entire interventionist doctrine as preached and practiced by the imperialist powers.

SKU: 9780717808694
Author(s): Cheddi Jagan,
Barcode: 978-717808694 ISBN: 9780717808694


Dr. Cheddi Jagan charges in this book that American pressure was exerted upon the British authorities to remove forcibly a government which had been elected by an overwhelming majority on a “New Deal” reform program. In addition to the general emphasis of United States policy, Dr. Jagan cites concrete evidence. For example, shortly after the elections of March 1953, Congressman Donald L. Jackson, Republican of California and a member of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, visited British Guiana as a guest of the Governor. On his departure, the Congressman declared that the colony lies within the strategic zone of the United States. This was also the main burden of editorial comment in the American press.

Additional information

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 7.48 × 4.72 × .25 in



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